How to Best Study Breech

In May 2015 Lyons et al. published a Canadian registry study in the Journal of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, entitled Delivery of Breech Presentation at Term Gestation in Canada, 2003–2011.
Download the fist two pages of the article (PDF)

Betty-Anne wrote a letter to the journal about it, edited by Savas Menticoglou (co-author of the SOGC guidelines on breech birth) and Andrew Bisits, head of Obstetrics at the Royal Women's Hospital in Sydney, but upon waiting for the feedback from the two obstetricians, the letter to the editor arrived later than the others and the editors did not publish it. Although the Editors suggested that instead, we write a commentary, we were too busy with getting out the Frankfurt article to go back to do so. As we think the letter provides an important perspective.
Download the letter to the editor (PDF)

We have concerns both about Randomized Controlled Trials (see Evolving Evidence Since the Term Breech Trial), and in registry studies for different reasons (see introduction and discussion in "Does breech delivery in an upright position instead of on the back improve outcomes and decrease cesarian section?". We will elaborate on this further in the future.


Does Pregnancy and/or Shifting Positions Create More Room in a Woman's Pelvis?


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